What Women Want from Men

1.Maturity: “Maturity doesn’t come with age; it begins with the acceptance of responsibility.”

2.Decisiveness: “Decisiveness is insight in action. It’s the ability to know what’s right and, just as important, it’s the willingness to do what’s right.”

3.Consistency: “Consistency is firmness of character. It’s the ability to make mature, quality decisions time and again, facing down the inevitable temptations that Satan scatters across your path.”

4.Strength: “Strength, the kind of strength that really matters, is the courage to live out your convictions in spite of what the crowd is doing.”

“Women find the boy in the man cute, but when a women says ‘I just wish he’d grow up,’ what she is really saying is, I want the man to take responsibility for his words, thoughts, motives, actions, and attitudes,” he continued. “Maturity doesn’t come with age, it beings with the acceptance of responsibility.”

“A man’s words become a woman’s source of faith in rule of conduct and if he doesn’t understand that, then he will be very flippant or casual and careless with his words, not understanding that’s what she builds the relationship on,”





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  1. Stephanie Todd

    Love your insight !

    1. DASH

      Thank you Ms. Steph! I actually got this from my Dad (not sure what his source was, but they are not his words haha) and it’s stuck with me ever since. <3

  2. Jamal Alphonso Stewart

    It’s always refreshing to get a candid insight on what a woman of today expect / desires from a man. This was a great read Darion

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