What Do I Deserve

I’ve really struggled with navigating “romantic” relationships. As I try to review my habits, one consistent theme comes to mind – feeling as if I cannot ask for, expect or search for “more.”

My own insecurities about my circumstances have kept me from asking the right questions, speaking up about what doesn’t sit right with me and ultimately navigating the dating realm for those that are equally-yolked with me.

This is not to dismiss the fact that dating does not seem to be the focus of this season; Nonetheless, I have to get comfortable with where I am now & where I am headed. I have to be confident in my identity in The Lord as I allow others into my life as potential life partners.

Feeling as if I should accept certain traits, ethics, habits, approaches, values & shortcomings in another because I don’t “have it all together” is not fair to myself. It is not fair to the family I hope to build on a foundation of love in Christ.

I am learning how to be comfortable knowing that certain things are not going to work for me and moving accordingly. Consistency, transparency, open communication, respect & a love of God are a few staples that I cannot settle without, so I make it a point to hold myself accountable for them as well.

Learning myself is a continuous process, but my foundation remains unchanged. My being is centered around Jesus Christ – love, peace, purpose & service – and so I know to dismiss any individual that disrupts that foundation or lives with disregard to it.

In short – having standards is a must & is nothing to feel ashamed about. You are worth the evaluation, time, sacrifice & effort.


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