The Simple Things

Find beauty in the simple things.

Find joy in the simple things.


Take in the nearest tree, flower or some form of nature.

Take in the sky, whether it be night time, thunderstorms, snow, clouds, sunshine, or our favorite, a rainbow.

Inhale the fresh air.

Exhale the appreciation.

Let your mind focus solely on what you are looking at; Be intently filled with gratitude.

Be in awe of God’s art – His work.

Life is busy. We have relationships that must be fed. We have bodies that must be tended to. We have jobs that require our attention. We have spiritual matters that demand our commitment.

It is a gift to us and an act of love to God to pause and appreciate what He has done, down to the seemingly most minuscule thing – having clean water (not a “minuscule” blessing, but how often do we get down on our knees and thank God for & really meditate on it).

God does so much for us, with us and to us that it can go unnoticed.
Grant yourself that moment of peace for and with God today.
It doesn’t have to be all glitz and glam – just a peaceful moment between you and God.


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  1. Alan B Hawkes

    So true. Thanks beautiful 😘❤💪🏽

    1. DASH

      Thank you for engaging with me Pops! I am so glad you enjoy. Looking forward to more feedback from you 🙂

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