Stand Up For Yourself
I stood up for myself this week and it felt damn good. I want to share because I fear that many of us opt to let others put us down for the sake of their feelings or “keeping the peace.” Your self respect is not something that you sacrifice. Anything or anyone that is good for you and meant for you will not require you to put yourself down.
For me, I had to essentially severe ties with three individuals that have been in and out of my life for the past few years. It was difficult because I truly do respect them and know that they are genuinely good people. However, I allowed them to treat me unfairly to preserve our friendship and spare their feelings; I would consider my well being but would not take action to preserve it.
Taking the right action simply took courage and will power. I always knew that these were unhealthy relationships, so it was a matter of holding myself accountable to make the necessary changes. It was my responsibility to voice my stance, expectations and set the tone for our future…or lack thereof. I spoke honestly. I admittedly chose not to sugar coat as I typically do because time has taught me that there is a certain level of dishonesty associated with it.
The responses I received were defensive, negative and selfish….and highlighted the need for this overdue separation. I thought I would feel bad for speaking up for myself and holding others accountable for their actions, but the consequence was the total opposite. Respecting myself required action; Taking that action left me feeling empowered, without shame and without guilt.
Standing up for yourself will never leave you feeling depleted and worthless. Standing up for yourself is a part of elevating and nourishing yourself. Do not be afraid to put yourself in a position to grow and be your best self. Do not fear the changes that come with respecting yourself.
“You are worth every ounce of fight in your spirit, every difficult change and every sacrifice that protects your peace.”