So What Can I Do?

2020 has been a year full of overwhelming changes, obstacles and battles. I am sure we can all agree that between isolation, economic hardships, political distress, protests against police brutality and the war on human trafficking coupled with our personal trials, we could use a BREAK.

I am sure it is no surprise that anxiety, depression, hopelessness and confusion have peaked during this “keep-you-on-your-toes” themed year. Fortunately, I have witnessed a lot of individuals and groups finding ways to take control of this year and reclaim their vitality. I’ve seen people start businesses and blogs, start online classes, learn new recipes, start fitness regimens and reconnect with friends and family in the midst of the newfound free time and isolation.

I mention these optimistic approaches to some of 2020’s drastic changes as a reminder that life truly is what we make it. To be clear – this in no way dismisses the tragedies that exist in this world. The purpose of sharing these perspectives is a reminder that we have the power to “control the controllables”. So maybe you can’t restore the economy – but you can change your spending habits and reprioritize your needs. Sure, we aren’t able to reopen all businesses for entertainment, but we can take up new hobbies. You may not be able to visit your family, but technology offers various platforms for us to stay connected with one another.

Again, life is what you make it. So as you face another day of uncertainty, I encourage you to stop and ask yourself “so what can I do?” Really take a moment to come up with actionable responses for yourself.

What are some ways you are adjusting to some unforeseen trials and changes in 2020?

Comments & messages are always welcome 🙂


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One Comment

  1. Alan B Hawkes

    Great positive post. I’m learning to cherish the joy in things I once considered routine. A kind greeting, warm smile,Spirit filled text. And most of all, really learning how wonderful JESUS is in our lives 😘❤💪🏽

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