It’s been awhile.
I missed writing, expressing and connecting with you. But the truth is…I’ve been TIRED. I had a demanding 6 weeks that required long hours and no days off (literally).
Yet and still, I feel so guilty that I’ve been feeling this way. I feel guilty that I haven’t had the energy to give to my blog baby. I feel guilty that I haven’t felt up to the task of revamping the website. But why? Where does this guilt come from? I’m human. I require rest. Sleep. Time off.
We live in a culture that embraces doing as much as possible to achieve the greatest amount of success and have the most fulfilling life. Don’t get me wrong – productivity, planning, discipline, and everything in between are positive ways to live. The trouble is that taking time to pause is difficult and produces unnecessary guilt.
There’s nothing special that needs to be done to overcome guilt-ridden rest except to REST, and do it regularly. The body and mind need sleep. Period. If we’re pushing through a season that is busier than usual, we have to be sure to schedule those breaks in between high-paced seasons.
After giving myself this time, I feel motivated, energized, focused and at peace; We all deserve that. Let’s make sure our bodies and minds get the time off that they need to live our best lives.
Get your rest and do it without guilt. That’s the message.