
It’s been a frustrating week or two. I feel selfish admitting this but I can get worn out from being needed by multiple people, whether it’s at work, in my relationship, my family or even my friends.

Now that I’m reflecting on it all, the real issue was not that I was spreading myself thin but that I wasn’t pouring into myself. There’s been plenty of give and no take, and I don’t mean from others.

It’s CRUCIAL that we regularly take time to recharge and take care of ourselves, inside and out. We have to make a habit of checking in on our mental, emotional and physical state. Take note of how we’re allocating our resources – money, time, energy, support.

Any time we recognize this kind of fatigue, it’s time to balance out the equation. Fortunately, there’s plenty of ways to reflect and recharge, so just pick what works for you.

I personally like to meditate, write out my self reflections and schedule reminders for what I need to pour into myself. All that’s left is to hold myself accountable.

Gotta’ love a productive moment to check yourself and get back on the road to recovery.


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