Living Intentionally

Protect Your Peace

I often get frustrated with my day job in property management, despite how much I love what I do.

The purpose of this journal is not to vent about work though; I want to talk more about how I have turned a continuously, consistently stressful and unrewarding experience into an environment of peace.

God is always my “go-to” for any area of conflict so prayer was a heavy tool and spiritual weapon for me. Tactful transparency (because every single thought, emotion and opinion does not need to be shared) has been a powerful tool for me as well. I acknowledge that I allowed many frustrations to build up by keeping them to myself. It was not until I communicated my concerns and hindrances that true progress started being made.

Additionally, I had to set boundaries for the workplace and hold others accountable for their responsibilities. I often took on the roles of others, worked long hours and accepted unfair compensation in an effort to “please everyone”. Creating these limitations required the tool of communication: I needed to make it clear what was overwhelming and unclear, ask questions to gain proper understanding and maintain the dialogue with the decision makers (not pointless venting).

In short, protecting my peace did not just happen to me; It required consistent and intentional action….and always will.

And it was damn worth it!

I write this to encourage you to fight for your peace, even if you do not want to and will “ruffle some feathers” in the process.



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