
Own Your Actions

Sorrow Does Not Erase Consequence

Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. Even though he sought the blessing with tears, he could not change what he had done.”
Hebrews‬ ‭12:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬


We must take responsibility for our own actions. We must learn from our sins and bad behavior, especially that which keeps us “stuck”, stagnant or in a vicious cycle.

While we serve a gracious, merciful God, there are still literal consequences for all actions. Nothing goes unaffected. Dare I say, everything in life takes part in a domino effect of some sort. In conclusion, we may be forgiven, but that does not mean problems do not exist stemming from what we’ve done.

For instance, I am stressed and going to call out of work today. This means my team will have to pick up my slack, my check will be smaller/I’ll have less PTO available for future use and I’ll spend the rest of the week playing catch up.
I can take a mental health day, but the consequences are still real and I cannot forget that in the future, no matter how badly I will want that PTO/pay back, or how tired I am of playing catch up.

Forgiveness does not erase reality.

I try not to get stuck wearing the “rose-colored glasses” in the grace of God, meaning I do not want to lose sight of the importance of being disciplined. My heart must yearn to do better and not settle in the same “mess”, despite knowing forgiveness is possible. I need my spirit to intertwine with God’s and call me to make better decisions day in and day out.

I don’t want to be a “lukewarm” Christian. I desire more with Christ. That means being so thoughtful and intent with my decisions: each thought, action and speech must be in line with Christ, from what I put into my body to what I allow my mind to absorb (music, TV, books, social media) to the environments I spend my time (places, people, energies).

It is time to own our decisions.

It is time to own our destiny.

It is time to own our purpose.

It is our time.



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