
No One to Impress

Life gets a little easier when you learn that there’s no one to impress. There’s no one who’s opinion of us should dictate how we move.

I challenge you to question your motives behind everything that you do – what you wear, what you listen to, your career path, your friends, your romantic partner, your finances, your social media presence. All of it.
It’s rewarding to make decisions for the good of your family, friends, business, church, confidence, etc.

What’s not rewarding is making decisions for popularity & validation. In short, there’s just nothing to gain from trying to impress anyone – nothing that lasts anyway.

Now, it’s important to acknowledge that effective decision making entails a lot of do’s and don’ts, but my sole focus (today) is highlighting the poisonous need for validation from others. I’ve been guilty of this more than I care to admit but it’s what helped me shift my focus when deciding how I want to approach any part of my life.
There’s a level of confidence, boldness and sincerity when we live to make ourselves proud and not for the praise and approval of any audience.

I encourage you to “do you boo”. I laugh at the outdated phrase, but really there’s so much power in it.


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