
More Love

Accept love into your life.

Receiving love and giving love requires courage, vulnerability and humility.

During this time of uncertainty, stillness and constant changes we are forced to look within. Seemingly all or most external factors have been removed from our lives – i.e. jobs, friends, social gatherings, and pretty much anything that happens outside of your home.

I bet you’ll find that your mind and focus shift to the intangible parts of your life, such as love – the most underestimated power we possess.

Love is free and timeless. Love is energizing and inspiring. Love gives purpose.

Not all love is romantic – so I want to take the time to remove that notion.

Love is much deeper than a crush and looks different in every relationship. We have our families, extended families, friends, partners, co-workers and even people we have never met.

Reflect on a time where you felt moved to do something for someone that you did not know or barely knew. What made you spare your resources for the benefit of someone else? Maybe you did it because you simply are a good person. Maybe you did it because you have some guilt you are trying to compensate for? Maybe you did it because you were just in a good mood that day? There are many possible answers, but the one consistent answer is LOVE.

Love is most commonly defined as a complex set of emotions, behaviors and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth and respect for another person, place or thing (www.goodtherapy.org). Acts of service, consistent gratitude for one’s life and being honest are all acts of love. When you decide to bring awareness to domestic violence, work at a soup kitchen, pray for families in need – these are acts of love. When you take a moment to step outside of your circumstances, you are giving yourself a chance to live in love.

Living in love is liberating and builds confidence, especially when you take time to love yourself. “Self-love” and “self-care” are trends that should never go out of style. Truly living in love requires us to silence our insecurities, envy of others, impatience and fears. Do not fear your thoughts; Embrace them. Love yourself despite what you wish you could change. Only hold yourself accountable for the parts of you that you CAN change. Do not carry the heavy burden of perfection. Instead, carry the love you were born with and let it guide you through your day.

You deserve love. Give love. Receive love. Love who you are and who you are trying to be.




  • Leah

    What a POWERFUL statement. “Living in love is liberating” — I find it so important to consciously place value on love that is not romantic. As you said, love is often associated most with romance but there are SO MANY acts of and ways to show love that do not come from a romantic partner. I find that the smallest acts from friends, family, or a romantic partner are when I feel most loved, so I try to make sure I am always doing small acts in LOVE!

    • DASH

      Thank you for vibing with this, my love! Knowing you, I can definitely see how this resonated with you. Your heart is so big and you’re consistently putting others before yourself…acting in love <3

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