Changing your mentality is powerful.
You essentially shift your perspective of life.
It makes space for self awareness, humility and generosity.
For me, shifting my mindset or mentality, helps me to escape the “rabbit hole” of negative thoughts that only fuel anxiety and worry – and we don’t want that.
The shift in your mentality helps you “control the controllables”.
You begin to think “How can I take my joy back? What is the lesson in this hardship? How can I help this struggling friend?” In other words, you force yourself to have productive thoughts.
Changing your mentality empowers you to navigate life, and all it’s highs and lows, without feeling burdened and overwhelmed.
Take note of what and how you think – you’ll have to be very intentional until you get used to it and make a habit of it. Is there something you can do about it? Are you constantly blaming external forces? Are you constantly blaming yourself? Are you avoiding self-accountability? Do you know what brings you joy?
Being mindful of the mind is the most silent, powerful skill you will ever master.