Battling Anxiety & Depression,  Note to Self

Inexplicable Sadness

Some mornings I wake up feeling ready to take on the day. I feel worthy. I feel sure of myself.

Some mornings I wake up feeling lost. Like I just want to hide from the world and even myself. I don’t even want God to see me.

This particular morning, I was fighting to feel worthy. I felt disappointed in myself. But why? I didn’t go to church that weekend…I didn’t do much of anything, however, it was my one day off that week. So why the guilt and sorrow?

Is it because I spent my time worthlessly?

I just want to be who God called me to be ALL THE TIME. Fighting my flesh seems impossible some days because it is a part of me. It’s my nature….which makes me feel helpless on days like this. Why try when it’s my damn nature to do it?

Then I remember the God that I serve, the Heavenly Father that watches over me. With God, there is no chance to fail. I have to make a conscious decision to NEVER give up on Him and ACT like it.
So I continued getting ready for work. I cried. I prayed. I blasted my gospel music. I had breakfast. I put away laundry. I dressed comfortably. I got some coffee. I set the tone for a successful day.

I will do the things I have set out to do, despite a setback.

I HAVE GOT THIS BECAUSE GOD’S GOT ME AND I TRUST HIM. I will follow Him. He is my peace!!!!

How do you regain your faith and reclaim your joy in emotionally odd times?



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