
In the dating realm, I’ve slowly learned the importance of getting back what you put into a relationship. I don’t mean going tick for tack or moving with ulterior motives, but simply putting the same effort into and value on the relationship.

It is common to get lost in someone’s potential and good intentions without holding them accountable. I find that the recurring problems are typically a result of empty promises to do better or apologies without a plan of action. I’ve always been prone to giving others the benefit of the doubt to the extent of making excuses for them at my own expense; So I know firsthand how draining and confused it can make you.

When you begin to feel emotionally exhausted, unsure of how to make things better and stuck. Take it as a warning sign to pause and reevaluate the needs of you and your partner. Where is the lack? Is the effort imbalanced? Is one of you pouring more into the relationship than it is pouring into you?

The issue of reciprocation can be ROUGH, especially if it has become the new norm for the two of you. You’re essentially needing to undo a bad habit. I will be the first to admit that I am not the best source for advice on how to navigate finding the balance in your relationship, but I know communication and accountability play a vital role.

Moral of the story – don’t accept any relationship that causes you to lose yourself and your vitality. Take note of warning signs that you may be headed towards imbalance, and act accordingly. Have the hard conversations. Make the courageous decision to hold both you and your partner accountable for the success of your relationship.


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  1. Whitney I.

    It’s very easy to get comfortable in a relationship and mindlessly get stuck in routine. I’m definitely guilty of taking more than I give. Thanks for the reminder to practice mindfulness regarding my partners needs.

    1. DASH

      That makes two of us, so I completely understand. Plus, we’re only human – it’s bound to happen from time to time. I’m glad this could help in any way.
      Thank you for reading <3

  2. Alan B Hawkes

    Your insight is amazing 🙌🏽

    1. DASH

      Thank you so much! I’m the most hesitant with speaking on this subject, but this was on my heart.

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