“I’m Back”


I’m back baby! Yes, the blog itself is back after months of disappearing without any notice, but more importantly DARION IS BACK.

Ever since I moved to GA, I’ve felt like being a Community Manager is my only real identity and purpose. It’s what I’ve focused on the most.

Naturally, I haven’t been feeling fulfilled. I can’t necessarily say I was depressed – depressing days? Yes. Anxious moments? Yes. Going through the motions? Yes. No real intent or purpose for my decisions? Also yes.

It hasn’t been all bad (or all good), just lackluster. No sense of self or purpose like I had before I moved. I was attending church each week, tithing every now and again, eating healthy enough, working out enough….but I still felt empty.

If I could sum up the past few months, I’d say “blah”. And that feeling only grew over these past 9 months.

I had nothing to share. No thoughts of my own. Every time I sat down to type I couldn’t create a clear, concise topic. My thoughts were all over the place and I couldn’t do the one thing I know I’m good at – organize those thoughts & share them through writing.

Now, these past few months weren’t a complete waste on my part. I NEVER stopped trying to reconnect with my creative purpose. Never stopped trying to get more intimate with God. Never stopped trying to take care of myself physically. Never stopped trying to nurture my relationships.

The journey was just hard and longer than I expected. Matter of fact, I’m still on that journey & in this same season of my life – I’m just fighting better. I’m balancing grace and accountability, intention and consequence, hard work and rest.

It’s been a weird & frustrating time that God has been helping me see my way through. I want to share some of what I’ve learned & what I’m still figuring out – habits, self control, confidence, influence, security, foundation & everything in between.

I promise you that I will never leave without notice again, because I won’t ever let my mind get that weak. I hope this next series of posts helps us all keep our minds strong and protected.

Thank you so much for reading this. Cheers to strong and protected minds! 💛✨💪🏽


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  1. Darryl

    It’s about dang time! Welcome byke! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  2. Alan B Hawkes

    Welcome back Beautiful. We need you, The Dash room😘❤💪🏾

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