How to Live a Soft Life

I’ve been in my soft girl era ever since I started diving deep into my relationship with God. I genuinely don’t worry about a thing because I trust and believe that whatever is for me, I will have, and it will be better than anything I could have conjured up on my own. 

For a long time, I tried living life according to what other people were doing and what I thought was “good”, “successful”, and “living my best life.” All it did was leave me worn out, lost, and empty. 

On this journey of seeking God, I’m finding out who I am, which gives me confidence to not be who I think everyone needs me to be. I’m not paralyzed by fear of things not working out because God has made it crystal clear that He will supply my needs and prepare me for a spiritually prosperous future. 

I pray that the days of being bound by feelings of inadequacy, fear, worry, hopelessness, and meaninglessness remain behind me….behind us. 

Living with and for God isn’t always easy, but it is simple, and 100% softer than trying to live for me and this very raggedy world.



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