Faith Looks Crazy

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1

Having faith can have you looking crazy sometimes. When I’m really surrendering everything to God, I have peace no matter what. Rejection letter? God is still good. Bank account not stacked? I still have all that I need. No clients for your side hustle? I still believe God to make a way. 

Having faith looks like being joyful even when your circumstances say otherwise; Having peace in the middle of uncertain outcomes; Having hope when the odds are stacked against you. Like I said, having faith can have you looking crazy. 

When you know God, like REALLY know Him, how you look to everyone else doesn’t matter. God has never forsaken me. Plain and simple. He wants me to enjoy the fruits of His Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-2-3). God has plans to prosper me and to give me a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Furthermore, I’ve come to grasp that what God has for me will always be for me, because God’s plans will always prevail. So why should I trip over a relationship not working out, a business venture growing slowly, or anything not going according to my plan? I can always trust that they’re going according to His plan, which means I’ll be just fine no matter what.

For me, that’s how having active faith has looked in my life. I do my best to take care of first things first, do the next right thing, and leave the rest to God. It’s not a perfect practice by any means, but it’s more than formidable against fear, self doubt, seeking validation from the world, hopelessness, and all their raggedy cousins that keep us in bondage. 

I’m grateful to still be here, living and not just alive. I’m grateful to live with hope. I’m grateful for God’s Word and His faithfulness.  I’m grateful for people that pray for me and with me. I’m grateful for my story, the highs and lows. God has shown me so much love and goodness that I didn’t earn and don’t deserve – how could I not have faith?



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