Cece’s Word for Me

A message from a friend:

“As I was praying for you, I heard God say that He is preparing you for your testimony! [That] He is using what you are going through and this cycle you have found yourself in with men for you to help so many women come out of bondage! He said even though you don’t understand it right now in the middle of it, He is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of our faith, so trust Him! Even though you cannot physically see it, faith comes by HEARING and hearing comes by the word of God, so stand on his word and trust that He has you in His hand; He is doing a work in you but you must trust Him! Amen! I love you”

What kind of cycles have you overcome or are currently navigating to have a healthy dating life?



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  1. Jamal Alphonso Stewart

    Currently at the age of 29, I am at a crossroads to new unfamiliar destinations. This is to be expected as most people have anxiety of the big 3.0 as it comes with harsh ridicule of society expectations. However, even through what can seem nerve-wracking, I find solace in knowing everyone’s journey is not the same. The settlement of life will form as God desire it and in particularly in his timing.

    1. DASH

      This is a WORD! I am so glad you said that. I know we’re around the same age and likely navigating new priorities and goals, but our journey is not the same. “Adulting” is not for the weak at heart lol, so I definitely have combatted anxiety by opening these conversations and finding that I’m not alone in the journey, though it is my own.
      Thank you so much for sharing Jamal!

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