Seize the Day
I refuse to let my life be a record of “going through the motions”. I do not want life to simply happen to me.
In every area of my life I aspire to navigate it fearlessly and with enthusiasm. I want to include discipline, courage, respect and love in each avenue of my life; What this truly means is that I am submitting all aspects of my life to God so that His will is done without rejection and hesitation from me.
It is easy to get swept up into our habits, but oh how empowering the experience of building life-giving habits is! Of course, it is not every day that we naturally wake up ready to cease the day, but we must not use our human tendencies as an excuse to let life pass us by.
How can we cease the day every day? Set goals and constantly remind yourself of those goals; Measure your progress with those goals by exercising regular check ins. These goals need to be internal: speak nicely to and about yourself, be honest with yourselves and others, set boundaries in your relationships, evaluate the way you spend your time and set goals to spend it in ways that do not keep you stagnant, depressed, confused or hopeless.
The true effort comes with doing it – the act of exercising these new habits and effectively replacing bad habits that contribute to anxiety and depression. Instead of having wine every night, I will make time for to workout. Instead of watching TV each evening, I will make time to write these blog posts and participate in online writing courses. Instead of spending my money on substances, I will tithe and invest – whether that be a retirement fund, writing courses, or any tool that helps to fulfill God’s calling for me. Wake up early instead of sleeping in. Read instead of surfing social media for the next hour. Make intent decisions to offset your struggle areas and feed your calling, even if you do not quite know what that is yet.
Build good habits, and do it again the next day, and the next day…
Cease the day, every day, even when you do not feel like it.