Busy vs. Productive

I have a very hard time sitting still. I’m not exactly sure why but I figure it has a little something to do with peace, faith, and efficiency. 

My goal for most days is to “be productive” but I’ve noticed (i.e. my therapist pointed out to me) that being busy doesn’t always equate to being productive. So when I noticed that I was consistently feeling worn out, it was revealed that all my “busyness” wasn’t effective. 

To me, being ineffectively busy is doing something without strategy or just for the sake of saying I am doing something. I found that I was saying “yes” to things that I didn’t truly have time for. I found that the way I was spending my time didn’t align with my goals and values. 

So it was time to reevaluate my little schedule and make it make sense (i.e. my therapist gave me homework). I wanted to prioritize time for rest, my spirituality, building and using my skill set, being of service, spending time with loved ones, taking care of my health, and work. These were the areas that meant the most to me and would create balance in the life I strive to have.

Intentionality is a powerful change agent, and learning to be intentional with how I expend my energy has had immediate positive effects. I don’t feel so mentally chaotic and physically fatigued (as often). 

Moral of the story – we can’t get our time back so let’s spend it wisely

Productivity > Busy



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