
Anyone that knows me knows how big of a focus I’ve had on “BOUNDARIES” this season (…and every season afterwards). As I mentioned last week, setting boundaries is one of the ways that I show up for myself. Setting boundaries on a consistent basis does so much for my life. It empowers me to make space for what fuels me.

I’ve learned that there’s a crucial requirement to effectively setting boundaries – you have to identify your motivation, such as:

  • Peace of mind – meditation, rest, alone time
  • Health – working out, meal prepping, rest
  • Spirituality – prayer, devotionals, Bible studies, ministries, service
  • Relationships – making time for loved ones
  • Business – making time to build your entrepreneurial career
  • Vitality – traveling, creating, discovering/maintaining hobbies, reading, regularly learning something new

Identifying your motives gives you the bigger picture for boundary setting. You’re able to remind yourself why it’s so important to say “yes” or “no” to certain demands at certain times.

  • “I hate that you’re having a rough day. I want to be a listening ear but I’m having a tough time managing my anxiety this week. Let’s touch base later and check in with each other.”
  • “I have to be home by 7 so that I can make my workout class.”
  • “My goal is to launch my business in 6 months, so I can’t join your birthday trip.”
  • “Outside of emergencies, I don’t tend to work calls after hours.”

Those are just some examples of ways we may set boundaries. However, something important I’ve learned is that “no” is a full sentence & effective way to set boundaries. WHY you are setting boundaries is truly your business & sharing these motives is a courtesy.

We are in charge of what we give, what we accept and how we navigate everything in between. We set the tone for what’s welcome in our lives and what’s not.

I challenge you to focus on one area that is taking up too much of your resources and set a boundary for it this week. Use that time/resource for YOU.


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One Comment

  1. Alan B Hawkes

    I love,No is a full sentence. Fruitful advice. 😘❤💪🏾

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