• Purpose

    What Do I Deserve

    I’ve really struggled with navigating “romantic” relationships. As I try to review my habits, one consistent theme comes to mind – feeling as if I cannot ask for, expect or search for “more.”…

  • Living Intentionally

    Stay Up

    2020 has been trying in ways that most of us would have imagined. The world was faced with a pandemic forcing us to isolate in extreme fashion – facilities closed, unemployment at an…

  • Spiritual

    Prayer Creates Change

    Pray in the face of bad situations. The value of prayer is immeasurable. Have confidence in your prayers. Have so much confidence in your prayers that you don’t want anything BUT PRAYER. EXPECT…

  • Note to Self


    I like to spend time alone. I like to spend time in silence. I do this to welcome any thoughts and emotions I may have not been able to tend to during the…

  • Spiritual

    What’s a Father For?

    “A father’s love for his daughter is as close a resemblance to God’s love that there can be! For a father loves his daughter without expecting anything in return. He will pray for…

  • Spiritual


    It is okay to think of YOU. It is okay to consider that something, someone, some place, some activity is not good for YOU. It is okay to make additions and subtractions that…