Enjoy the Ride
Success looks different for everyone – it’s so crucial that we learn & accept this fact. I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase “everything has it’s season.” Better yet, let’s make it biblical…
Take Care of You
There should be no guilt associated with standing up for yourself. I’ve written about this before but I find myself needing a reminder these days. I’ve put more effort into making excuses for…
Changing your mentality is powerful. You essentially shift your perspective of life. It makes space for self awareness, humility and generosity. For me, shifting my mindset or mentality, helps me to escape the…
This morning, my pastor spoke about the way fear can immobilize you. Fear is a normal part of the human existence, but how you overcome it is what breeds victory. You may be…
WHEW! I have missed connecting with you all these past few weeks. “Busy” is an understatement. Nonetheless, business was handled and I’m so glad to be back 😊 So much has changed in…
These past few weeks I learned how easy it is to let opinions that do not belong to me affect the way that I live my life. Now don’t get me wrong –…
Make Room
It’s a new year, so we are all collectively in a very focused, goal-oriented mindset right now. We’ve established what we want to accomplish and have prepped ourselves to receive all that 2021…
So What Can I Do?
2020 has been a year full of overwhelming changes, obstacles and battles. I am sure we can all agree that between isolation, economic hardships, political distress, protests against police brutality and the war…
Keep Fighting
“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so…
HABITS.Such a powerful word packed with so much tangible & intangible influence. I believe that the activities, people & thoughts that take up a majority of your time heavily shape you and the…