
Changing your mentality is powerful. You essentially shift your perspective of life. It makes space for self awareness, humility and generosity. For me,…

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WHEW! I have missed connecting with you all these past few weeks. “Busy” is an understatement. Nonetheless, business was handled and I’m so…

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These past few weeks I learned how easy it is to let opinions that do not belong to me affect the way that…

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In the dating realm, I’ve slowly learned the importance of getting back what you put into a relationship. I don’t mean going tick…

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Make Room

It’s a new year, so we are all collectively in a very focused, goal-oriented mindset right now. We’ve established what we want to…

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Keep Fighting

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.…

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