Show Up For Yourself

Do everything you said you wanted to. Keep the promises that you make to yourself. All the energy that you put into others…

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Your inner-self is your true self, and your true self is your foundation. It’s so vital in how we navigate everything that happens…

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“I’m Back”

I’M BACK! I’m back baby! Yes, the blog itself is back after months of disappearing without any notice, but more importantly DARION IS…

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It’s been awhile.  I missed writing, expressing and connecting with you. But the truth is…I’ve been TIRED. I had a demanding 6 weeks…

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What’s the point of living if you’re not growing and transforming? Being stagnant and complacent robs you of becoming your best self and,…

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It’s been a frustrating week or two. I feel selfish admitting this but I can get worn out from being needed by multiple…

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Be Present

I admire goal-oriented people. They’re usually driven, disciplined and successful in what they set out to do.I make a hell of an effort…

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No One to Impress

Life gets a little easier when you learn that there’s no one to impress. There’s no one who’s opinion of us should dictate…

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