Be Present

I admire goal-oriented people. They’re usually driven, disciplined and successful in what they set out to do.
I make a hell of an effort to be goal-oriented because I don’t want life to just “happen” to me. Setting intentions and expectations for your life makes room for discipline and holding yourself accountable.

Buuuut I often find myself in my own head obsessing over those same goals. I’ve noticed that when I’m in my head, I’m missing out on where I am right now. I’m missing out on how far I’ve come. I’m not present.

We have to be present to truly enjoy life. We have to intentionally take in the blessings right in front of us. We have to remember how hard we’ve worked to be where we are, even if it isn’t the end goal.

I challenge you to be present this week. Use gratitude as a tool to help you. Name at least 5 things in your life you’re grateful for – write them down and/or say them out loud. Be mindful of your thoughts – catch yourself when your drifting away from the present.

Don’t let your blessings pass you by.


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