Be Honest With Yourself
Being honest with yourself is an empowering habit. It sets you up to not feel the need to seek validation. You’re able to find confidence in owning your weaknesses and strengths. You’re not so easily influenced by external factors and you’re not afraid to do what nourishes you.
It’s easy to ignore the ugly parts of yourself, whether that’s your bad habits, the toxic relationship you’re in, or the insecurities that you let control you. When you take the time to face the parts of yourself that need work, you’re setting your self up for liberation. You’re setting yourself up to weed out what isn’t good for you, to make courageous decisions, heal and grow.
Facing your strengths gives you the same empowerment as owning your weaknesses. Embracing what you’re good at sets you up to do something with those strengths and talents. It gives you confidence. It helps you uncover your purpose.
When you’re honest with yourself, you discover yourself. When you discover yourself, no one else can define who you are for you.
I encourage you not to be afraid to be honest with yourself in all aspects of your life, and set yourself up with a strong foundation to make decisions for your life.