Note to Self
Take Care of You
There should be no guilt associated with standing up for yourself. I’ve written about this before but I find myself needing a reminder these days. I’ve put more effort into making excuses for…
This morning, my pastor spoke about the way fear can immobilize you. Fear is a normal part of the human existence, but how you overcome it is what breeds victory. You may be…
WHEW! I have missed connecting with you all these past few weeks. “Busy” is an understatement. Nonetheless, business was handled and I’m so glad to be back 😊 So much has changed in…
These past few weeks I learned how easy it is to let opinions that do not belong to me affect the way that I live my life. Now don’t get me wrong –…
I like to spend time alone. I like to spend time in silence. I do this to welcome any thoughts and emotions I may have not been able to tend to during the…
Inexplicable Sadness
Some mornings I wake up feeling ready to take on the day. I feel worthy. I feel sure of myself. Some mornings I wake up feeling lost. Like I just want to hide…